Nick started fishing at the age of 13 where he spent many summer days on inland lakes in Southern Ontario. Once he was old enough his competitive nature lured him to tournaments where he became well known for consistent top finishes, many Championship appearances and 1st place finishes across Southern Ontario. His growing passion for Smallmouth bass transitioned his angling skills from inland to the Great lakes and has never looked back. Now with over 25 years of experience on the Big Ponds he spends his time targeting trophy Smallmouths, particularly in the Spring and Fall months where he performs sessions to some of the biggest Smallmouth Bass that swim. He's recorded catches of several fish over 7lbs and 3 over 8 including his biggest weighed fish of 8.37lb. Nick also started a program teaching new anglers how to fish. Anything from trailering and boating skills to reading electronics, tackle setup and how to locate and catch bass.
Megabass of America 2014-present
Smith Optics 2014-present
Simms Fishing 2015-present
Daiwa Reels 2018-present
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